Added scriptHandler.script, which can function as a decorator for scripts on scriptable objects. (#6266)
A system test framework has been introduced for NVDA. (#708)
Some changes have been made to the hwPortUtils module: (#1271)
listUsbDevices now yields dictionaries with device information including hardwareID and devicePath.
Dictionaries yielded by listComPorts now also contain a usbID entry for COM ports with USB VID/PID information in their hardware ID.
Updated wxPython to 4.0.3. (#7077)
As NVDA now only supports Windows 7 SP1 and later, the key "minWindowsVersion" used to check if UIA should be enabled for a particular release of Windows has been removed. (#8422)
You can now register to be notified about configuration saves/reset actions via new config.pre_configSave, config.post_configSave, config.pre_configReset, and config.post_configReset actions. (#7598)
config.pre_configSave is used to be notified when NVDA's configuration is about to be saved, and config.post_configSave is called after configuration has been saved.
config.pre_configReset and config.post_configReset includes a factory defaults flag to specify if settings are reloaded from disk (false) or reset to defaults (true).
config.configProfileSwitch has been renamed to config.post_configProfileSwitch to reflect the fact that this action is called after profile switch takes place. (#7598)
UI Automation interfaces updated to Windows 10 October 2018 Update and Server 2019 (IUIAutomation6 / IUIAutomationElement9). (#8473)
*** 日志就到这而了,大家也许看完以后觉得这次的新功能真的不多,可以说大部分是已修复维主。但是,大家不要气馁,NVDA是不会让用户失望的。大家期待NVDA2018.4的发布吧!我们NVDA2018.4再见。 下载NVDA2018.3.2
2,nvda remote远程插件。
2018.3的eSpeak NG普通话异常已经改善,但粤语出现严重问题。